Freshman - Unsigned Seniors

2025 HS Boys Power32

POWER32 Overview

The POWER32 Circuit is presented by AOG Events and is a 32 team INVITE only league that is West Coast based. This independent circuit will help give our players a level of exposure to high level competition, college coaches and scouting services. The winning team of the 17U division at the P32 will receive $10,000 in NIL money to be split evenly across the roster. More information on the POWER32 can be found HERE.



  • Tuesdays @ Terra Linda HS
    • 7:30 – 9:00pm
  • Thursdays @ Ultimate Fieldhouse
    • 7:00 – 8:30pm
  • Participation on the P32 Team means there is a commitment to traveling across the west coast during the spring and summer seasons. We will be traveling to three (3) out of area P32 Sessions. Dates and locations of each session can be found below.
    • Session 1: Orange County, CA (May 16 – 18)
    • Session 2: Las Vegas, NV (July 10-13)
    • Finals: Orange County, CA (July 17-20)
  • All travel is paid for by each player’s family. Travel costs are NOT included in the season dues.




Tournament Schedule


DateTournament/LocationNCAA Certified
April 5 - 6
Sat - Sun
Spring Hoops Challenge (East Bay, CA)
Presented by Jalen Green Elite, Lakeshow, NBBA and NorCal Elite
April 12 - 13
Sat - Sun
NorCal Spring Preview (Marin, CA)
Presented by Bigfoot Hoops
April 26 - 27
Sat - Sun
City Championships (San Francisco, CA)
Presented by Bay City Warriors
May 3 - 4
Sat - Sun


May 10

TBD (NorCal)
Presented by TBD
May 16 - 18
Fri - Sun
SoCal Spring Classic (Orange County, CA)
Presented by AOG
NCAA Certified
July 5 - 6
Sat - Sun
TBD (NorCal)
Presented by TBD
July 10 - 13
Thurs - Sun
Vegas Summer Kick-Off (Las Vegas, NV)
Presented by AOG
NCAA Certified
July 17 - 20
Thurs - Sun
SoCal Summer Finale (Orange County, CA)
Presented by AOG
NCAA Certified

NBBA Alumni at the Next Level

First NameLast NameSchool / Pro / National TeamDivisionYearHS / Previous SchoolsHS Class
NoahForreyBeloit CollegeD3Petaluma HS2013
IlonZurUC Santa CruzD3Summerfield Waldorf HS2013
NoahEverlySonoma StateD2San Marin HS2014
ArenUlmerUniversity of West GeorgiaD2St. Mary's College HS2015
JasperVerduinChapman UniversityD3Archie Williams HS2015
ColtonWirthMenlo CollegeNAIASan Marin HS2015
JoeHoeupCambodia National TeamNATIONALElsie Allen HS / Hardin-Simmons University2015
KeithSmithGBA Lions (Czech Republic)PROSan Ramon Valley HS / VMI / Cal Poly SLO2015
JordanRatinhoUniversity of San FranciscoD1De La Salle HS2016
RyanPerezMontana St. University BillingsD2Petaluma HS2016
SepehrAgneseKenyon CollegeD3Marin Catholic HS2016
JamesFinnMiddlebury CollegeD3Tamalpais HS2016
DempseyRoggenbuckLinfield CollegeD3Marin Catholic / Prolific Prep2016
GabeKnightUniversity of Saint KatherineNAIAWindsor / Santa Rosa JC2016
LandonCourtmanCal State MaritimeNAIAHealdsburg HS / Westmont / Santa Rosa JC2017
JordanJacksonWalla Walla UniversityNAIASeniorTamalpais HS / College of Marin / College of Alameda / Warner Pacific University2017
JoeyPottsTromso Storm (Norway)PROPetaluma HS / College of Marin / Oregon State / Oregon Tech / CSA Steaua (Romania)2017
EthanMenziesCal Poly SLOD1RS SeniorHalf Moon Bay / Cushing Academy / Colorado Mesa2018
AaronPorcilConverse UniversityD2Vanden HS / Sonoma State / Santa Rosa JC2018
BrandonBeckmanUniversity of ChicagoD3St. Ignatius College Preparatory2018
NoahBiceWentworth Institute of TechnologyD3Archie Williams HS2018
LandonGreggChapmanD3Redwood HS / El Camino College2018
SamKinneyColorado CollegeD3Marin Academy2018
MattRedmondDenisonD3St. Ignatius College Preparatory2018
NikBurnsPacific Union CollegeNAIAJuniorElsie Allen HS / Mendocino College2018
JustinSmithSonoma StateD2JuniorWindsor HS / Santa Rosa JC2018
MitchHippaufSimpson UniversityNAIAVintage HS2018
DavidJonesGeorgia Southern UniversityD1Grant HS / Sacramento State / Panola College / Indian Hills CC2019
ViktorRajkovicSeattle UniversityD1SeniorBranson / Golden State Prep2019
EmmanuelAdeoyeTexas A&M CommerceD2Salesian College Preparatory / Angelina College2019
DamiriLindoQueens CollegeD2SeniorSaint Mary's College HS / Golden State Prep / Holy Names / University of Nebraska - Kearney2019
GarrettSiebelsDominican UniversityD2Casa Grande HS / Santa Rosa JC2019
QuintenVermuelenDominican UniversityD2Analy HS2019
AidanDemianOberlin CollegeD3The Branson School2019
SeanIngogliaUnion CollegeD3Stuart Hall / Salisbury School2019
JoeSilveiraFranciscan University of SteubenvilleD3Berean Christian / San Diego Christian / Solano College2019
IsiahGarzaMendocino CollegeJUCOElsie Allen HS2019
DonnielJohnsonMendocino CollegeJUCOOakland Tech HS2019
TreyChapmanWest Virginia Grind (TBL)PROHealdsburg HS / Hawaii Pacific University / Essex Rebels (England)2019
ShakirHowardSouth Bay Flash (TBL)PROFairfield HS / Napa Valley College / Southern California Leadership University2019
LucasSalehChampville (Lebanon)PROProlific Prep / Feather River College / Univ. of Buffalo / Belmont Abbey College2019
JackGreenwoodLinfield CollegeD3SeniorMarin Catholic2020
PeytonMullarkeyPomona-PitzerD3SeniorThe Branson School / Golden State Prep2020
BlakeMurrayCollege of MarinJUCOVintage HS2020
DylanHaymanUniversity of Incarnate WordD1SeniorHealdsburg HS2021
NickGreenwoodGeorge FoxD3SeniorMarin Catholic2021
SeanMcCarthyChapman UniversityD3SeniorTamalpais HS / Tilton School2021
LucqAndersonCollege of the RedwoodsJUCOMarin Catholic2021
DevinMimsCollege of MarinJUCOSacred Heart Cathedral / Tamalpais HS2021
BraydenGreenleeCarolina UniversityNCCAANapa HS / Golden State Prep2021
JoaquimArauz-MooreGonzaga UniversityD1RS FreshmanThe Branson School / SoCal Academy2022
WillHeimbrodtSeattle UniversityD1RS FreshmanArchie Williams HS / SoCal Academy2022
DomGirishColorado School of MinesD2RS SophomoreSonoma Valley HS2022
LiamKilroyNapa Valley CollegeJUCOSophomoreThe Branson School2022
NolanBessireBowdoinD3JuniorMontgomery HS2022
NoahDeitchColorado CollegeD3JuniorMarin Catholic HS / Lake Forest College2022
Santa Rosa HS2022
CharlesPrestonOccidental CollegeD3Archie Williams HS2022
CharlieTreenePomona-PitzerD3JuniorRedwood HS2022
IsidroGarciaCollege of the RedwoodsJUCOSophomoreSanta Rosa HS2022
AndrewPengelSanta Rosa JCJUCOSophomoreRancho Cotate HS2022
SalimArikatMenlo CollegeD2SophomorePetaluma HS / SoCal Academy2022
GeorgeGaleWashington UniversityD3SophomoreThe Branson School2023
DrewKrilichUniversity of Puget SoundD3Cardinal Newman HS2023
DylanMartinSanta Rosa JCJUCOFreshmanTerra Linda HS2023
KalebMcKenzieDiablo Valley CollegeJUCOSophomoreCampolindo HS2023
GavinReidMendocino CollegeJUCOSophomoreAnaly HS2023
GavinVogensenSanta Rosa JCJUCOCardinal Newman HS2023
BJFisherUC BerkeleyD1FreshmanRedwood HS2024
RyanJackson Jr.The College of William & MaryD1FreshmanAZ Compass Prep2024
DilenMillerRobert Morris UniversityD1FreshmanInspire Prep 2024
LeoRickettsSacramento StateD1FreshmanDe La Salle HS2024
WillBreallCarleton CollegeD3FreshmanSonoma Valley HS2024
JoshuaDevoreCal Lutheran UniversityD3FreshmanNovato HS2024
BjornRyningChapman UniversityD3FreshmanRedwood HS2024
NickCubleySan Francisco JCJUCOFreshmanSan Marin HS2024
IsaacJohnson Pima CCJUCOFreshmanOakland HS2024
KieranMannionNapa Valley CollegeJUCOFreshmanPetaluma HS2024
DwightStricklen Jr.Chabot CollegeJUCOFreshmanJesse Bethel HS2024
ColeWilliamsSanta Rosa JCJUCOFreshmanSt. Vincent de Paul HS2024
FinleyKeeffeThe Skill FactoryPREPThe Branson School2024
BobbyMooreIMG AcademyPREPSerra HS2024

First NameLast NameSchool / Pro TeamDivisionYearHS / Previous SchoolsHS Class
BrockBowersLas Vegas RaidersNFLNapa HS / University of Georgia2020
AustinEhrlicherBoston Red SoxMLB - Single AElsie Allen HS / Santa Rosa JC2021
JacobSharpWeber State - FootballD1SeniorBethel HS2019
CharlieCrowellUniversity of Washington - FootballD1FreshmanSummit HS2024
JakeVasquezNotre Dame - LacrosseD1FreshmanRedwood HS2024

First NameLast NameSchool / Pro TeamDivisionYearHS / Previous SchoolsHS Class